Monday, October 30, 2006

On Meditation

So I thought I will write some about meditation...why not ? It s probably the single most misunderstood topic. In a very simple manner, let s start. This may go on and every time I feel like I will probably write a bit more...

Definition: Meditation is a way to clear your mind.
Why? The intention is to live more happily and finding that joy that is unconditional on your current situation or on the world's.

Our happiness can not be drawn from satisfying desires. If you look everywhere, you find that desire has a beginning and an end. First you desire something, then you satisfy your desire then the desire is gone until you grave it more. All work of the brain. So from this, you can see that the brain itself is the originator of all desires, so controlling your brain will control how happy you want to be.

How? A beginning stage of how to control the brain is to make it concentrate on one thing at a time. Even during your waking moment when you are typing or washing dishes try just to control your thoughts and think only about what you are doing. Later, when you have more time, you can sit quietly and close your eyes. The closure of the eyes will draw more ideas or sometimes strange ideas. In my opinion, after you close your eyes, the brain facilities will think that you are relaxing to go to sleep, in another word dream time :). This is the time to watch your brain and its thoughts. From experience, it is better just to watch for at least 15 minutes without doing anything then concentrate on one thing such as the breath.
Counting the breath is a very old technique and very effective. Just count from one to 10 very slowly with each breath and little pause between. This is an attempt to control your own brain. You will find that while you are counting, thoughts come and go. Later on, thoughts frequency decreases and a pure joy will evolve. be continued :)


Dareen said...

You must continue...I actually paused from reading and closed my eyes and counted my works...I've been told I have a bad breathing habbit...I don't take my time breathing.... :S

U gotta write of more techniques ;)


Mounir said...

sure..sweet Dareen, my pleasure...I will do that especially for you :)

Dareen said...

thanks mone :) I know I'll be practicing your technique before falling asleep...Haven't had a good night's sleep in a while...

I'm looking forward to your next post...