Friday, March 20, 2015
هل سمعت عنها
هي بلد أعدت للأبطال
أعدت لتصنع من كل ركن فيها
أساطير بطولية وتستبدل
بدل الظلم
أغصاناً من زيتون
هذه حمص
شئت ام ابيت
سيسطِرُ لها الكون كله
حكايات لم تعهدها من قبل
الا في قصص وافلام
تفسر معنى البطولية
هذه حمص
في يوم كاحل ظالم انتفضت
لم تنتظر من احد ان يساعد
لم تسال احد ان يجيب
مامعنى كلمة الحرية
اجتمعوا عند ساحة
ستلقب يوما ساعة الحرية
وهتفوا بصوت واحد
حرية حرية
يا بلاد العرب
يا شعب الاسلام والمسيحية اعتبر
وضع من يدك صحف وكرائس
لم تقدم لك الا ذلا وعيشةً
لم تكن فيها افضل
من دوابٍ غبية
هذه حمص
هذه من بلدي
سوريا الابية...

عندما يخفق القلب
وتقول اللهم ربي
استجب لي ساعدني و كن معي
لا الله الا انت
انت الخالق
وانا المخلوق
عندها تدرك ان من معك
اكبر واعظم من اي شي
كان من قبل او يكون
اللهم ربي
أجرني من نفسي
ومن كل من أراد شراّ بي
وأصدقائي وأهلي
اللهم عجل بلطفك
عجل بغفرانك
وأزل كل مكروه
يارب انت خلقتني
لم أكن شيئا
وقريبا سأعود الى ظلام المجهول
انت الرحيم
انت الغفور
انت الكريم
قابل الدعوات
ناصر كل مظلوم

وقبض و نبض
وكما لكل جسد منتصف
لسوريا قلب واحد
اسمه حما
انا منك و لم اعرفك كما عرفك بنيك
مررت فيك كثيرا
لم افهم كيف تنام الناس على صوت الخشب
بل تكررت
والزيارة غيرت قلبا
كان ربما من حجر
وعلمت ان العاصي ليس نعمة لنا
بل لكل البشر
ذهلت و انا احلم
كيف ارجع لك
يا سيدة الزمن
رجالك اكبر من موسوعات نشرت
ونساووك هن من الشرف ما ندر

سقا الله يوما
كان حلبُ لِلنَّاسِ مُرٓحبُ
من كل البلاد تأتي الضيوفٓ وتلقى
من المحبة ماوفى
سقا الله أشجار السرو و الزيتون
والنوافير في كل دائرٍ ومتحلقا
شهد الله علي أني أحببتك ولا ازال
ولن تعوض عنك كنوز البحر ومرجانها
حجر بُنيت فيه بيوت كالجنة
شاء القدر لنا عنها ان نرحلا
في طفولتي كنت أظن ان سمائك وقمرك
ترفع من دونِ النَّاسِ لكِ
وعندما كبرت تيقنت
ان الحب أوله
وقبلة ًٌعلى الخدِ

ياشامُ طال الأملُ
الم يأن لشامِنا الحلي تتردى
ماكان لنا ان نهجرك
ويوما سنعودُ مجددا
سماؤك حنينٌ
وأرضك ريحانُ
في كل شبر منك ذكريات وألحانُ
منك نَحْنُ
ومنك نطلب المغفرة والمعذرةُ
رفعنا أيدينا اكثر من مرة
طلبنا المستحيل وطمعنا ان يخفف القدرُ
هذا بردى
لايملكه من أراد فيك الضررُ
جبالك التفاح عليها يتكبرُ
أرادوا ان يغزوكِ
ووهموا ان يملكوكِِ
وهل يملكُ الياسمينَ احدُ
الحرية لك ولو طال الزمنُ
ويوما ستعودين
كما لم يعهدك إنسانُ

اللهم نستغيث بك
الطائفية و العنصرية و الخصوصية هي اسوا مرض يصاب به اي انسان فلا تكون شريكا لها.. وعندما تدعو فادعوا لكل الناس وعندما تساعد فساعد الجميع بدون استثناء..
اللهم نستغيث بك لتنقظ الناس كل الناس
الكبير والصغير
الامراة والرجل من كل الاديان
يارب ساعد كل المخلوقات
وساعد الحيوان والشجر
وكل ماخلقته في كل الاراض و البلاد
نحن اليك راجعون فلا تجعلنا مع القوم الظالمين...

Friday, March 06, 2015
to see what the blind sees
Sometimes, you have to shut your ears
to hear what the deaf hears
to feel what the cripple feels
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Allah Akbar
It simply means that the creator is greater
Greater than everything
Including you and me
Who would argue otherwise
To Him alone we belong
When we live, die and breath
From Him we were created
and to him our soul retreats
For Him we thank
ask for shelter and forgiveness for our misdeeds
That flower there
look at it and remember
How from nothing it was created
and to earth it will soon reconvene
So will you follow that same path
Who will you then remember
If it wasn't for the one who created everything
The moon, the stars,
you and me
Fall in love now
Nothing else is more precious
Nothing worth more your thoughts
When thoughts stop
and only God
is inside
Forgiveness is bless
Flower is born out of dirt
Yet dirt is not born out of that same flower
That which you fight for
Is not the one
Search inside and you will find
That which is there
Sleeping in all that is there
And once you find it
Perform ritual of appreciation
ritual of admiration
and ask forgiveness
Because by the time you do
It was almost going to be
Too late
Sunday, May 15, 2011
ووضع اسم العرب
على الكفن
حفرت لغزة مقبرة لكل ولد
و صاحت النساء
أين العرب
يتفاوضون ، ينتقدون و لا يحتفلون
بقلوب نائمةٌ ميتة
كلأزفلت عليها يدعسون
يا بلد عربية اسلامية مسيحية
يقتلونك للمرة المليون
وطظ بالعرب من البارحة الى اليوم
Sunday, December 28, 2008
عندما أذكركِ كثيراً أتعب و أنام
عندما أذكركِ كثيراً أتعب و أنام
عندما أذكر كم قبلة قبلتيني
ولفة لفيتيني
أتعب و أنام
وأطلب من ربي عندما أفتح عيني
و أصحى من كابوس النسيان
أن أراك أمامي بكل ما أعطاك الله من الجمال
نعم قبليني مرةً واثنين و ثلاث
بكل قوة احضنيني
و لا تخافي أن تكسر لفتك الأضلاعْ
فأنا أنتِ
وبدونك أنتِ
و حبيبتي أنتِ
أأحداً يحب الضياعْ
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
احبكِ و احب السواد في عينيكِ
واحب الشعر الطائر الى قدميكِ
و كل ما ذكروكِ
و ضيفوني القهوة كما حملتيها لي وحدكْ
النور عندما تغيب الشمسْ
واللحن العذب عندما تنام العصافيرْ
وتتعب من تكرير اسمكْ
و مالهذا الرعدَ يضرب الأرض ليرى ظلك
و تبقي انت هنا حبيبتي
ويستمر البحث عنك
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Final Countdown

Do I have to be apart from you to appreciate you
Do I have to be apart from you to know
Do I have to be apart from you ever more
When is the time to come back
When does the destiny end
Forgetting we were ever saparate
On the edges of the running river
I tried to hold on to its banks
Not knowing my destiny the river mask
I tried to grap to passing pleasures
The sweet grapes were so tempting to try
How could I ever know
who is there to guide
A silent voice whispers
The ocean is deep enough
To take all who reach
Come back
Come back my love
Come back
Come back fast
This secret is never releaved
Only told in fashion poetry
For how far the journey last
For now, nothing is brighter than your light
From now the countdown finally starts
Monday, December 22, 2008
رَجعتٌ اليكِ
رَجعتٌ اليكِ بقلمي و قلبي
رجعت اليك بعد ان تعلمت الحبَ
بعد النسيان
رجعتُ اليكِ و رجعتُ الى شعرك الغجري
رجعت اليك و انا ارجف من الخجل
و ما كان نسيانكِ مباح
ما ادعى بطلٌ الاسطورة
ان لم يكن في الاسطورةِ اميرةٌ
و شعر طويلٌ وكتفٌ عار
ما ادعى بطلٌ الاسطورة
و ما حمل سيفهُ و ربح الحرب وحده
ان لم يكن هناك في الاسطورةِ اميرة
وشفافٌ حمر و خصر متاع
تعالي الي اليوم
كماتاتي الاميرة بلقيس
من تحبه بعد غياب
تعالي الي اليوم
بقوة و شراسة و حنان
تعالي الي لاقول لك
من ُاعطيَ الحبُ
لا تهمه الصعاب
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Waking up to a new world

Waking up to a new world
World of change
Waking up realizing
Everything is not there
Death looks at you from every angle
Everything in this life survives
Only for a chance to die
Who then survives but the one who creates
The one who was there
Before you and everyone else
Thus your life is limited
Perhaps longer or yet shorter
Than you may think
What to do but to think
This life and existence
Created not only to entertain
A purpose behind every spec of life
So look with your eyes, heart
And Contemplate
When you get there
Don't worship but the one
The one who creates
The one who never dies
Never had anyone
Son, daughter or a friend
To get there
Don't read but the book
The book that never changed
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

If the heart is soft
How can it be hardened
If the light is near
Why make the journey farther
As the faces change
Something stays the same
Are we like leafs
To be dismantled incredibly beneath
What matters when you are near
Is what matters within
My answer is dependent on that factor
Yours is for you to perceive
Think of that before you become
Another deceased
Thursday, August 28, 2008

- Once you know you are capable of doing both the good and the bad, then only you can choose
- Life without laughter is the proper definition of Hell
- There is 2 kinds of music, one that feeds the self and one that feeds the soul
- life without love is like a candle that never lights up..
- As long as you have brain you will always make mistakes
- If Buddha is the master of meditation then Mohammad is the master of appreciation
- Anger can be mistaken frequently with passion
- Lovers have big heart and short memory
- قد جائك تعلم القران (You win)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I don't deserve your love

I don't deserve your love.
If God loves you more than I do
If the universe cherishes you more than I do
If the sea is bigger than my hearts' feelings for you
And the sky wider than all the memories that I have for you
I don't deserve your love
If the birds love freedom more than my love to you
If the trees dance with the wind more than my heart dances for you
If the river flows toward the ocean faster than the eyes see you
And the moon brightens the darkness more than my being lights up for you
I don't deserve your love
If the eye doesn't cry on hearing your voice
If the ear doesn't listen to you when you call
If the heart doesn't pulsate with you close
And the hand doesn't bring you the stars and joy
I don't deserve your love
If your blessings don't cover me in my life
If your smile doesn't revive my dead heart
If your walk doesn't send me to paradise
And your beauty leaves me at night
I can hear you say
Our love is born with the sun
Our love doesn't sleep at night
Our love, my love
Will never die
Thursday, July 10, 2008
From Father to Son

I love you
I love you with all my power
With all my might
I love you
I want to tell you
A small secret today
A whisper like we used to do
When I took you to bed
I love you
I want to tell you
From the time you opened your eyes
Till the time I close mine
I love you
In my heart you are
In my being and flesh you are
In every moment in time
I love you
I have seen many eyes before
Many beautiful faces
But you have passed every post
On your way to my heart
What have you brought to me
What effect have you had on me
Am I loosing my mind
Intoxicated trembling at night
Will you be on my side
When I die
Monday, April 28, 2008
Love and Hate; the most powerful forces in the universe.

I believe that everything we do, every thought and every action is triggered by one of two forces, Love or Hate.
Pure love is the most constructive force, while hate is the most destructive of all.
Neither is good or bad, it is just how it is. I believe our minds are very unique of being able to choose between the two and it is never pure one way or the other all the time.
When you are in love, you are whole, you are enjoying life, your cells are happy, your digestive system is working well and everything looks like it is going in a surrender mode, the whole universe is a good place to be.
Pure love is not meant to be the romantic type, which is difficult for some to understand. In fact when you are in love, you don’t need anyone to love or share your feelings. It is a state of mind and you become the joy itself manifested, you know you exist now and that “Now” is the perfect place to be.
When you are in pure hate, everything looks hell. The universe is simply a hell place to be. Everyone is working against you, nothing works as it should be, you are a victim and you wish everyone would just disappear, or you may just want to end up your life “or others” and get this misery out once and for all.
Although we can engage in one of the extremes, it is more likely that we all go back and forth between the two forces, engaging one end more than the other and thus painting our perception of life based on that.
The westernized new age thoughts, such as the great writer Donald Walsch and many others, believe that there are 2 forces, Love and Fear. This seems to be a pure westerner idea or notion. In the east, Buddha was very clear of the three poisons which are Hate, Desire and Ignorance, fear is not there.
Even if we suggest that Fear is the underlying cause, then what we are doing is just putting the responsibility of our hate on an underlying cause. A very westernized approach. “You are not responsible, you have fear inside you”, or, “you need to feel secure and that will get rid of your anger” and etc…
Instead one should face oneself, that one feels hate more than love completely by his/her choice, be aware of that and ask for it to be change if so desired. Fishing for the underline cause is a loophole that never ends, wasting ones life by trying to find out how he/she behaves and why.